Jeanne did it for her 13th birthday and literally participated into the UK most famous bakers'competiton, although not aired on television this time.

Funnily enough, we discovered the Big London Bake down the road, hosted by the Castle's rear garden, and couldn't believed our eyes it was real.
The same tent happend to be in the middle of Tooting's most amazing beer garden. And we could even book a session, and therefore, take part in the competition !
When I mean "we", I haven't been brave enough, so I booked for my daughter and a friend. It says contestants under 18 would have to attend any session before 8pm, after that, no children would be permitted into the pub. So I managed to book a 6pm session after school and waited for 90mn inside the pub crowded by Christmas parties, wishing I would see inside the tent on a screen.

So when the judge started the countdown, I realized it was serious, the two thirteen year olds' girls had to bake a 3D biscuit house and deliver it within a timed assignment.
So I left, my heart pounding.
I wasn't sure whether this birthday present would be one to remember. What if they panicked or completely failed their recipe ?

The two chefs had made such a great job at putting together 4 walls and a roof, made of biscuit, piping and assembling all the details of their project. They shared the chores and managed to work together as a team. No arguments.
I noticed a strange face on the pictures though, a funny smile. I realised as they took their masterpiece to the last stage of the competition, that they had been nibbling sweets all the time.

Each of the houses were commented and tasted. Some had one wall missing (it fell on the floor), some had no wall standing at all (poor couple, I wondered what they did for 90mn, hopefully not arguing), and eventually, 3 houses were selected to the Final.
The third wasn't bad at all, the second...was "ours", and the first was beautifully assembled, with the well balanced cinnamon flavour, and of course, made a perfect snap, like Mary Berry would say.
The girls were happy to come second among a group of adults, and let me carry their huge box back home. I couldn't let them down this time.
Great evening, nerve wracking for some of us, memorable for everyone.
Bravo à toi pour l'idée... bravo aux filles pour la réalisation ! Félicitations, et sûrement un grand moment pour le coeur de la maman...
Anne D.
Merci Anne ! Un moment où elle n'a pas eu besoin de moi ! Et gérer ses émotions et son temps, un bel exploit !
SupprimerThat’s brilliant! Well done... such fun time!
RépondreSupprimerI'm glad you saw this post, and this Bake Off is amazing and just around the corner !
SupprimerExcellent! Bravo à la descendance et à toi pour ton enthousiasme!
RépondreSupprimerFélicitations ! Well done, girls!